About Dr Abby

I am a licensed psychologist and Co-founder and former Director of InnerSource, A Center for Psychotherapy and Healing in Annapolis, MD, which I directed for over thirty years. As a psychologist and author, I’ve had the privilege of helping hundreds of people feel empowered as they learn to understand and love themselves more fully, communicate more effectively with others, and connect to their inner source of wisdom.

In my private practice, I have worked with individuals, couples and groups to navigate a journey of Lasting Transformation.  For those I do not have the opportunity to work with individually, my book and audio book, LASTING Transformation: A Guide to Navigating Life's Journey is a self-guided process based on my years of practice to help transform the behavioral patterns that create obstacles in the relationships and the lives of my followers.

Throughout my life, I have woven the threads of psychology and spirituality into a rich tapestry of personal and professional experience.  After receiving my doctorate in Transpersonal Psychology (the integration of psychology and spirituality) from The California Institute of Integral Studies in 1981, I spent 10 years studying with a meditation master, and traveled to India to study meditation and Eastern psychology for a year. I returned to India  to co- coordinate the International Transpersonal Psychology Conference in Mumbai, India in 1982.

Since then, I have led numerous workshops including Communication for Transformation; Voice Dialogue—the Psychology of Selves; the Joys and Jolts of Relationships; Our Intuitive Wisdom; Meditation and Kabbalah; and the Power of the Mind. Both Kabbalah and meditation deeply inform my work with clients, and my life.

I have worked as director of the Marriage Family Counseling Clinic, and The Satori Program in San Diego, written a newspaper column called Dear Dr. Abby, and hosted a cable-TV show called “All about Women and the People in Their Lives”.  I have worked with individuals, couples and groups for over 40 years.

My mission in life, my practice, my book, my community is one and the same – to inspire you on your journey to transformation, wholeness, and connection with self, Source and significant others.

Professional Activities:

Top Doc

Voice Dialogue International


Maryland Psychology Association (MPA)

Psychology Today

LASTING Transformation

A Guide to Navigating Life's Journey

About the Book

Embark on a transformative journey with “LASTING Transformation,” where Dr. Abby Rosen, drawing from over 40 years of expertise merging psychotherapy and spirituality, unveils a roadmap for profound change. As Sarah Yehudit says in the Endorsements, “This guidebook brings the reader or listener along a journey that addresses/enlightens both the heart and the soul.”    

Explore the secrets of building a resilient self, nurturing fulfilling relationships, and tapping into deep soul-wisdom. With real client experiences, humorous cartoons, and practical exercises, LASTING Transformation is your digital companion on this transformative journey.

Navigate your sacred life journey confidently with this  guide illuminating the path to behavioral change and enduring personal growth. Uncover your transformative power, your gateway to self-knowledge, self-love, and lasting change. Start your journey today with LASTING Transformation.

  • “We have known Abby Rosen for a very long time. She brings to the transformational table a long and varied life. She has been, from early in life, a woman of spirit — always searching for the deeper meaning, the higher intelligence, and finding ways to access this other dimension of consciousness. She is also a senior Voice Dialogue teacher and facilitator, and this has provided an important contribution to the development of her overall philosophy of life and healing, and her approach to the transformational process.”

    Hal Stone, PhD, of blessed memory, and Sidra Stone, PhD, authors of The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue, Relationship, and the Psychology of Selves, authors of Embracing Our SelvesEmbracing Your Inner Critic, Partnering, and other consciousness tools.

  • “Abby Rosen, a master of her trade, shares her secrets freely with the world in LASTING Transformation. This book is a holy offering; the fruit of a life dedicated to helping people heal their soul-wounds, find their joy, live in their truth, and deepen their connection with the Divine source of all. Abby draws wisdom from all the stepping-stones along her journey and weaves it into a practical guide for self-improvement that bears the mark of a true master – it is gentle, yet deep, modest yet profound.”

    Sarah Yehudit Schneider, author of Kabbalistic Writings on the Nature of Masculine and Feminine and You Are What You Hate; founding director of A Still Small Voice: Correspondence Teachings in Jewish Wisdom. Sarah Yehudit’s book on “Shame” will soon be published.

  • “In her book, LASTING Transformation, Abby Rosen offers a delightful, well-structured methodology to actually guide the reader through the crucial steps of self-realization. Dr. Rosen is a dedicated spiritual explorer, a highly skilled therapist, and a talented healer who has given over the wisdom and compassion of a lifetime of personal practice. I strongly recommend this book for those who seek to open their hearts and souls to their true potential.”

    Rabbi David Cooper, of blessed memory, author of God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the Practice of Mystical Judaism and
A Heart of Stillness: A Complete Guide to Learning the Art of Meditati

  • “Abby Rosen is a master therapist and spiritual teacher. Her accessible and inspiring guide to lasting transformation is a gift for every person who thirsts for the full expression of psyche and spirit in their life.”

    Joan Borysenko, PhD, author of Not the End of the World and Your Soul’s Compass

  • “Those who have been wounded by their childhood experience develop a personality that is fearful and self-destructive… Read on and learn how to transform yourself.”

    Bernie Siegel, MD, author of Love, Magic & Mudpies, and Prescriptions For Living

  • “Abby Rosen brought into her book experiences from decades of psychotherapeutic work with clients and from her years of spiritual practice. Written in a clear, easily understandable style and strewn with humorous cartoons, LASTING Transformation is a manual that will guide its readers through the challenges of everyday life, as well as the ups and downs of the spiritual journey.”

    Stanislav Grof, MD, author of Psychology of the Future, The Cosmic Game, The Ultimate Journey, and When the Impossible Happens

  • “This book is written from the heart. Abby Rosen’s practical exercises and information give the reader many helpful tools to encourage and support change.”

    Sharon Salzberg, cofounder of Insight Meditation Society; author of The Kindness Handbook, Faith, and Voices of Insight

  • “Both a vsionary guide to the whole-some life and a step-by-step map of how to get there.”

    Sam Keen, author of Fire in the Belly: On Being a Man